Saturday, December 29, 2012

Update: New Years Day Rides

Great rides this New Years Day about the Verde Valley!!!! Many miles logged today and many more smiles. If you had a resolution to ride more............ you will succeed, we live in AZ and have a great riding community where it is possible to find good company and weather nearly every day of the week! 2013 will be a great year of riding!!!!!!!!

Looking to start the year off right? Here are some of the local rides to to get your fix.

Road ride from the Red Rooster Cafe in Old Town Cottonwood - Meet @ 10am CONTACT - KEVIN DIX - 928-202-1338

Mountain ride from the Bike and Bean - Meet @ 2pm CONTACT - SHOP - 928-284-0210

Mountain ride from Over the Edge Sports - Meet at 12am for "Hungover on Hangover" CONTACT - SHOP - 928-282-1106 (Advanced Ride)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

RTCA Meeting

NEWS RELEASE                                                                       
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture

U.S. Forest Service                                                              
Coconino National Forest                                      

For Immediate Release
October 5, 2012
Public Affairs Contacts:
Brady Smith, Coconino National Forest, 928-527-3490
Brienne Magee, Flagstaff Ranger District, 928-527-8290
Connie Birkland, Red Rock Ranger District, 928-203-7505

December 20th Meeting for Red Rock Trail Planning

Sedona, AZ –Join us December 20, 2012 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm for the third trail and ecosystem protection planning meeting. This meeting will be held at the Hilton Hotel on Ridge Trail Drive in the Village of Oak Creek.  

The Red Rock Ranger District, in partnership with the City of Sedona and the Big Park Council, are seeking to create a non-motorized trail plan that will reflect local values and recreation needs and promote regional benefit while protecting the resources that draw people to this special area. This is the third in a series of monthly meetings to update the trail plan for Forest lands near Sedona and Big Park.  All members of the public are welcome. Your voice, values, and ideas are vital for this collaborative planning effort.  

Agenda for the December 20th meeting will include:
·      Forest Service “trail facts” and standards
·      Discussion of what works and what doesn’t work about the trail system for trail users
·      Discussion about what information is needed to assist the planning process and who will gather it

National Forest trails in the Red Rock area are used by over 600,000 people each year. Trail popularity and use continues to increase particularly for hiking and mountain biking. What will the future of our trails be? What new trail opportunities are appropriate? How can trails be sustainably maintained into the future? These are some of the challenges that can be addressed by this planning process. For more information about the trail planning process please call Jennifer Burns at 928-203-2900 or go to our website at click on land and resource management, planning, and red rock trails.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Article from our VP Doug Copp on cycling for transportation.

As the weather warms and gas prices rise, some folks may be considering transportation alternatives to their automobile. Riding a bicycle is a great way to reduce expenses, improve health and fitness, reduce air pollution and lessen traffic congestion. Cycling can be a joyful reminder of childhood pleasures.   The feel of wind and speed, changing of unobstructed panoramas, and the mobility and accessibility cycling affords are a few of these joys. Though a bike may not be suitable for every task or commute, it
is appropriate for many. Traveling to work, school or running errands on a bicycle can be enjoyable provided you make the proper preparations.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Ride/Meeting/Party!!! December 18th

Come join us at Crema for a Christmas Party that starts at 6:30 December 18th. Everyone bring a dish + Crema will be supplying a few dishes and keeping beer wine and beverges for sale. Prior to the party road and mountain rides will head out from Crema at 2pm. The board will meet at 5:30 for the December Board meeting and then into party time @ 6:30. See everyone there!!! 

917 N. Main Street in Historic Old Town Cottonwood, AZ 86326 • 928.649.5785 • On Scenic and Historic 89A

Friday, December 7, 2012

11-29-2012 RTCA Meeting Notes

Notes from the meeting are up in case you missed the meeting

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

IMBA TCC Coming to town!!!

Subaru-IMBA Trail Care Crew: Cottonwood, AZ

Great news the Trail Care Crew is coming to Dead Horse State Park February 21st to the 24th. VVCC applied jointly with the the RRRD and will be working on the new Lower Bones Trail. Come join in the fun! Also any city, gov and forest folk from Verde Valley cities/agencies are urged to come to the presentations and trail building to learn the value of better trails. 
The Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew, on the road since 1997, is IMBA's grassroots educational program and an authority on sustainable trail building practices. Two teams of professional trail experts travel year-round throughout the United States and beyond, leading trail work sessions, meeting with land managers and working with IMBA-affiliated clubs and the communities they serve to improve mountain biking opportunities. The Trail Care Crew program has inspired great volunteer trail work across the U.S. and abroad - a big help to government agencies and land managers who have limited funding for trail construction and upkeep. As a direct result, there are now thousands of new and improved trails in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico and several European countries.

UPDATE!!!: Hiline Trail Day

UPDATE: New meeting location and time for a more efficient hike to the work site and avoidance of weather. Meet Wednesday the 19th of December 11:30 @ CR Ranch 2nd Entrance Coyote Crossing Rd. Meet and sign in. The Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition is sponsoring a work day on the iconic Hiline Trail. Come help keep the Hiline trail at its best.

Volunteers need to come prepared and bring with them: a helmet if available, sun glasses, work gloves, drinking water, sun screen, a hat, long sleeved shirt, long pants, and wear boots with ankle support. We will be out for a good day of work and fun.

For more detailed information on locations and to share your interest, please call F. Adrian at 203-7531 or email her at

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cottonwood Christmas Parade

Thank you!!! To everyone who showed up for the parade. Good times!!