Friday, December 27, 2013

New Years Day Cottonwood Road Ride

Start the year off right on your new road rig or your new commitment to logging those miles with some good company. New Year's Day road ride on the West side of the Verde Valley in Old Town Cottonwood leaving from the Red Rooster Cafe @ 10 am for a 25-30 mile ride. Contact Heather Paris for more details. 928-274-3109

Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Year's Day Dead Horse MTB Ride!

C'mon out to Dead Horse Ranch State Park on Wednesday, January 1st and join us for the New Year's Day Ride! If you got that brand new bicycle for Christmas that you'd been dreaming about, here's your chance to show it off (throw some dirt on it to make it look like you've been riding a lot)...

We'll meet at NOON at the Raptor Trailhead (the one at the top of Roadrunner Road in the park). With the new trail sections on the Dead Horse Trail System (Bones, Rust Bucket) there a lot more options if you'd like to ride different routes.  The D. H. Trail System now includes over 20 miles of trail - and more than 10 miles of that is fastsingletrack with plenty technical sections.

Since there are now more choices of which route to take, it's likely that the ride will split up at some point.  That means that there'll be options for those who those who want to go longer & harder, and shorter rides if you're new at mountain biking, running out of time, or still recovering from the New Year's Eve festivities!

Hope to see to there, and if you have any questions call 928-301-1190

Randy Victory, 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Special Board Meeting/Christmas Party Agenda

Happy Holidays to all!! The VVCC holiday party venue and date have been chosen. We will launch the party at 6PM on Wednesday, December 18th at the Mystic Hills Clubhouse. There will be a VVCC Board Meeting at 5PM just before the party. The Clubhouse is on the left after taking East Mallard when taken from Hwy 179 between VOC and Sedona.

Please bring a pot luck dish or dessert of your choice. The VVCC will be providing beverages, utencils, plates, cups and napkins. Please confirm attendence and let us know what you will be bringing. We’re looking forward to sharing our Holiday Blessings with you and yours.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Annual Picnic this Saturday at 8am in the VOC at the Kiwanis Park

Picnic Flyer for more info follow the link. We hope to see you there for good times and good rides!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

MTB Trail Day Wednesday Oct 23rd

Wednesdays Trail Day will be on the Slimshady Trail in the VOC. Park and meet up at the Bell Rock Plaza 8am, same plaza as the Bike & Bean. We will be heading in from the Red Agave Access to  work on Slimshady. Slim is in need of some good brushing and treadwork.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Reminder Trail Day Saturday - Huckaby Trail

With the Goverment back up and running Saturdays Trail is a go. We will be meeting at 830am to do some finishing touches on the Huckaby Re-Route. We hope to see you there!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Success!!!! Council Approves Sedona Bike Park!!

The Sedona City Council approved moving forward with the proposal of a bike park at the Posse Grounds. The site covering 13 acres and referred to as site 1 was voted 5 to 1 with the cycling community on the hook for a cost no more than 30,000 to design of the park after which the city will pay for construction of the park which amounts to 110,000 for construction plus 10,000 a year for maintenance. The one no vote was only due to Vice Mayor Mark DiNunzio's want to see the City give stronger support and commitment in the proposed motion. We are excited to start pushing the fundraising for the park now possessing a green light on making the Sedona Bike Park a reality. Prior to the green light we already had commitments to donate $5000. We hope to see the fundraising move along successfully as we saw the community support and attendance at the city council meeting. So time to start leaning on people to make this thing a reality. On the right hand side of the website is a bike park donation button.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

We got more Signs!!!!

A big appreciation goes out to board member Kevin Dix and member Dr. Bob Richards for pursuing better bike signage around the valley in areas managed by the county & ADOT. Two new signs were installed by ADOT on HWY179 south of the VOC near the junction of Beaverhead Flat Rd. The signs are a bit more visible due to a tad more green in them and better reflectivity. The pic is of the southbound lane sign. The county will be installing more of these around the valley in the coming months.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

We Need Your Presence!!! For the Sedona Bike Park!!!! Today!!!!

Today is here October 8th, the Sedona City Council will discuss and take action on a proposed bike skills park at Posse Grounds Park. In June, the Parks and Recreation Manager and I(Doug Copp) presented the bike park concept. The mayor and council raised questions and concerns which required us to collect additional data. Today we will present our results. User attendance at this meeting will demonstrate the level of community interest in the bike park. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 102 Roadrunner Drive, in West Sedona. The meeting starts at 4:30pm and they will probably get to the bike park discussion an hour or so into the meeting.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Help out our neighboring FBO friends by attending this great Trail Day

Trail Day! September 21st, Pedals v. Pistons v. Horseshoes v. Hiking Boots, Secret Trail Maintenance
September 3rd, 2013

September 21st, Pedals v. Pistons v. Horseshoes v. Hiking Boots, Secret Trail Maintenance

JOIN THE CHALLENGE! Let’s see which trail user group can show up in the greatest numbers for this great trail! A lovely trophy is on the line for the winning group… they will hold that trophy until next year’s challenge. Join this fun event… we ALL WIN when we work together to build good trail and strong trail-user relationships!



The RRRD trails planning meetings are coming to an end this coming Thursday the 26th of September. Please come show your support of the process and advocate for cycling opportunities.

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26TH 6-8PM at the next (last scheduled) Red Rock Trails Planning Meeting at the Hilton in the Village of Oak Creek. Tentative agenda items include:

·         Special presentation/discussion with Trail Mix representative Scott Escott. He will explain how all trail users cooperate for mutual gain for trails around Moab Utah – hikers, bikers and equestrians – potential model for us.

·         Report out from Cate Bradley on the preliminary trail survey results.

·         Update on trail decisions and coming activities; trail program for 2014.

·         Discussion on who is willing to help to make progress on our trail priorities.

National Public Lands Day!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

BIKE PARK!!!!!! MEETING!!!!!!! OCTOBER 8th Sedona City Council

Want a bike park in Sedona? Show up and tell the City Council!!! We, You need to show our Strength in Numbers if we want to see this thing happen! Tuesday October the 8th is the day. The time for the Park to be on the agenda will be forth coming. Questions? contact us at

Monday, September 9, 2013

September BOD Meeting @ Marty's in the village.

Trail Day Friday the 13th meet at Dead Horse State Park 7:30 am

The Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition is sponsoring a trail work day on the new Lower Bones Trail in cooperation with the Red Rock Ranger District of the Coconino National Forest. We will be building fresh new trail to add to the system of trails accessed from Dead Horse State Park (trails are on the Coconino National Forest RRRD).

Let the front desk know you are there to do volunteer work on the trails and they will let you through the gate.

Volunteers need to come prepared and bring with them: a helmet if available, sun glasses (eye protection), work gloves, drinking water, sun screen, a hat, long sleeved shirt, long pants, and wear boots with ankle support.

Coordinate helping out on DHSP trail days through VVCC member Doug Brown - 202-9360

For more detailed information on locations and to share your interest, please call F. Adrian or Forrest Saville at 203-7531 or email Adrian or Forrest

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Board of Directors Meeting Thursday Agenda

“America the Beautiful” highway litter event August 17, 2013.

Many Arizona, Yavapai County Adopt-A-Highway groups will be on our highways on this date as we collectively restore the beauty to “America the Beautiful” and her highways.

VVCC members will meet near Spring Creek Ranch Rd. off 89A @ 8am. Saturday Morning to clean up our adopted portion mile marker 361 to 362. 

The VVCC is also looking for a new coordinator for this program to organize future clean up days. If interested contact

Any Adopt-A-Highway groups that wish to have a helping hand or residents wishing to offer a helping hand may contact us at (928) 202-1186 or email so these groups and individuals can be connected.

Gary Chamberlain

Folksville USA

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Do you love the Red Rock Trails? We Need Your Input

Do you love the Red Rock Trails? Please take this survey and let your thoughts be known! This survey is for all trail users: bikers, hikers, equestrians, runners, etc. The VVCC is helping the Red Rock Trails public planning process by hosting this survey to gather info from all trail users. Use the link below to get to the survey and give your input on planning our future trail system. Please share with anyone you know that is interested. The survey will be active for one month.

Monday, July 22, 2013

REMINDER: Huckaby Trail Day Sat. July 27th

The Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition is sponsoring a trail work day on the
Huckaby Trail in cooperation with the Red Rock Ranger District of the
Coconino National Forest. We will be re-routing portions of the trail to enhance
the experience and increase the sustainability of the trail.

Volunteers need to come prepared and bring with them: a helmet if available,
sun glasses, work gloves, drinking water, sun screen, a hat, long sleeved shirt,
long pants, and wear boots with ankle support.

For more detailed information on locations and to share your interest, please
call F. Adrian at 203-7531 or email her at

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Annual Meeting, Rides & Potluck July 9th

This years Annual Meeting will be at the Chavez Group Camp Site on the Banks of Oak Creek.

2:00 We will be showing up at the site. to begin set up.

3:30 Rides will roll out, at the latest. Road and Mountain rides will be dictated by the attendees.

5:30 Meeting

7:00 Eat - Potluck - please bring your favorite dish.

Likely no camp fires will be permitted depending on fire restrictions.

Anyone who would like to camp let us know as the site is ours until the next day.

We Hope to see you there!!!!

On AZ 179 drive 2 miles south-east of the AZ 179/SR 89A intersection in Sedona and turn right just past The Radisson Poco Diablo on Oak Creek Cliffs Drive. The site is 1/8 mile down the road on the left, go through the gate.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Come show support of two great projects!!!!

This Tuesday June 25th @ 4:30 is the City of Sedona Council meeting and on the agenda are the Trail Access Project and the Bike Park. Below is the agenda. Both items are a little ways in so being there right at the start may have you waiting a bit to see the presentation and be able to show support. We need a big showing to help this along so tell your friends!!!!!! Big Kudos to our VP Doug Copp for pushing these projects along!!!!
Council Agenda

Friday, June 21, 2013

New Signs will be showing up around the Verde Valley.

On Monday, April 15th,  the Board of Supervisors approved a new provision to the Yavapai County Road Ordinance allowing a triangle sign showing a bicycle and a rectangle sign saying, "Share The Road" to be used in tandem on county roads to warn motorists of bicyclists. Bob Richards with help from Kevin Dix have worked with Supervisor Davis and staff of Yavapai County to get a bicycle sign ordinance for almost two years. Further work needs to be done to determine the best locations for the signs and to determine a priority list of the roads. Steve Monez of Bike Prescott also attended the meeting on April 15th and will be working to determine the best locations on the west side of Mingus Mountain. By June 28th there will be white stakes placed around the valley on roads such as Page Springs, Cornville, Beaverhead Flat and others to come. If you would like to give input please contact the board of directors at 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 12th Board of Directors Agenda

Wednesday, June the 12th , 2013 5:30 p.m.
AT the residence of Rick and Carla Riedel
80 Adobe Trail Sedona, AZ 86351

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May Board of Directors Agenda

Here is May's BOD agenda. Location will be:

AT the residence of Doug Copp

230 Arroyo Pinon Dr. Sedona, Az, 86336

Friday, May 10, 2013

RRRD RTCA schedule through September

All other RR Trails Planning public meeting dates - here they are with tentative topics:

May 16 – trail ideas and concepts onto maps
June 13 – Strategies to get there
July 25 – Strategies to get there
August 29 – Agreements and recommendations
Sept 26 – Agreements and recommendations

Thursday, May 9, 2013

That's a wrap on the 2013 Sedona Singletrack Celebration!!!!!

Hope everyone had fun on the trails, on cool bikes, w/friends, good times! Thanks again to all who came out to play and hang! Especially thanks to some of our favorite LBSs Absolute Bikes, Over The Edge Sedona, and Sedona Bike & Bean, and to all the rad vendors who showed up and graciously let us demo some sweet bikes! well as to @M&M Property Management, @Sedona Real, Red Rock Mountain Bike Patrol, RedRock88 Coaching, Sedona Hot Yoga @Massage Matters.

And most importantly, thanks to all of you who came out to check out the trails and to simply have a good time! We sure did!

To stay updated on current events/happenings/advocacy here in the Verde Valley, check for updates on our Now....go ride!

Monday, April 29, 2013

VVCC releases Trail Map of the Verde Valley

The VVCC is excited to release a digital trail map of the Verde Valley and the trails through out. The map is available currently within the App Store through a App called Avenza PDF Maps. The App its self is free and the map priced along side comparable paper maps @ $11.99. The map uses the GPS in your iOS or Android device to show your location on the map. Once the map is purchased there is no need for 3G, 4G or any Service period. All the map needs is good sky view. I have tested the map deep in the West Fork of Oak Creek far far away from cell service and works like a charm. You can add waypoints with notes and photos, share your location and much more. This will be a great tool for non motorized trail users to navigate and truly know where they are on the map.

The proceeds from sales of this map goes right back to the land we love. Funds benefit the VVCC trail care fund which assists in trail development, construction and maintenance.

A big thanks to Aaron Seifert of GISeifert for his help in building this map!!!!


Click the logo above to get info on the App or search the App store on your iPhone\iPad for Avenza PDF Maps. Once the app is loaded go to the in App map store and search maps around me by list to find the VVCC Trail Map. Purchase and download which will take a few minutes and your done.

Currently Android is in it's Beta version and does not have the Map Store built in.......Soon. This link will lead you to the Beta Version to install on your Android device. This link will allow you to purchase the map.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sedona Singletrack Festival May 3rd-5th

Check it out, right around the corner. Let's Celebrate some singletrack!!! Click the image for more info.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Bike MS Ride the Vortex

May 17th-19th

Bike MS is the premier bike ride in Arizona and is part of the country’s largest national cycling series supported by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Hosted in the Verde Valley in central Arizona approximately two hours north of Phoenix, Bike MS is the largest two-day, fully catered cycling event in the state and is an annual fundraising event to support the Arizona Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. This event offers several route options that give you the chance to challenge yourself while riding through the beautiful Red Rock Mountains or enjoy a fun ride with your family and friends through the Verde Valley. Cyclists collect pledges from thousands of volunteers both in Arizona and nationwide, who consistently raise more than $500,000 annually. While you’re out riding with us, SAG (Support and Gear) vehicles continually travel the route between rest stops, medical support is provided, as well as expert bike maintenance and repair from supporting bicycle shops.

EVENT WEEKEND TIMELINE (**subject to change**)

Friday, May 17th
12:00pm Participant Camping Open
5:00pm-8:00pm Expo Open to all

Thinking about coming early? No problem! You can park your RV, pitch your tent, or sleep in the large circus sized tent provided by the National MS Society on Friday to get a jump start on Saturday morning. There is a secured area where you can lock your bike for security on Friday & Saturday night. If you are camping out Friday night, please bring a bike lock.

Where The Trail Ends showing at Sedona Film Festival

Saturday, April 6, 2013

New docs added to the RTCA folder

Maps generated from the most recent RTCA meeting are added including a Excel spreadsheet with all the maps generated from the last meeting. This spreadsheet will not open in Google Drive it must be downloaded and opened in Excel.

Friday, March 22, 2013

New trail rules for mountain bikers near Sedona

Release Date: Mar 21, 2013

Contact(s): Red Rock Ranger District, 928-282-4119

SEDONA, Ariz. – The Red Rock Ranger District of the Coconino National Forest has implemented new rules for mountain bikers in specific areas near Sedona in order to protect land and resources.

The new rules restrict mountain bikers from leaving official National Forest system trails and prohibit bikes from cross-country travel in several specific areas. More than 170 miles of official trails remain open to mountain biking.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Trail Work Tomorrow on Lower Bones

Come help us build out the Lower Bones Trail outside of Dead Horse State Park. This system has long needed expansion and now and every friday following is your chance to be a part of it.

Volunteers should meet at the Lower Raptor Trailhead @ 8:30am in Dead Horse State Park off of Roadrunner Road within the park. Entrance fees will be waived for volunteers.Volunteers need to come prepared and bring with them: a helmet if available (bike helmet will work), sun glasses, work gloves, drinking water, food, sun screen, a hat, long sleeved shirt, long pants, and wear boots with ankle support.

For more detailed information on locations and to share your interest, please call Doug Brown - (928) 202-9360

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ladies Ride!!!!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

UPDATE: Forest Restriction Documents From Feb 11th Special Meeting

Update - FS preliminary proposed map with associated appendix. None of these are final.  All docs link to full size.

Monday, March 18, 2013



March 21             Agenda
·         Introductions at tables
·         Overview of map process                                           
·         Forest Plan presentation – Jennifer Burns                            20 minutes
·         Map work –                                                                        60 minutes
Small and large maps will be available to “draw on”; participants can group up or work alone.
encourage discussions about the ideas being marked up -
·         Group wrap-up discussion                                           20 minutes
      Any common themes jumping out?
      Any patterns in various areas showing up?
      Any challenges with this process?
      What worked about this process?
      What needs to be improved?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Bicycle seminar talks about 'Smart Cycling'

The Sedona Police Department, in collaboration with the Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition and city of Sedona Bicycle Coordinator Doug Copp, will host a bicycle safety informational seminar from the League of American Bicyclists titled "Smart Cycling," Wednesday, March 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the city of Sedona Council Chambers, 102 Roadrunner Drive in Sedona. This course is free of charge and is designed for teen and adult riders and emphasizes bicycle safety. Also on hand will be members of the Sedona Police Department Bicycle Team, along local vendors with bicycles and safety equipment, to discuss or answer any questions relating to bicycle safety in our community. For further information, contact SPD Cmdr. Ron Wheeler at 203-5004.

Better Mountain Biking Clinics at Dead Horse State Park

Monday, March 11, 2013


Get out and help build our future. New trails are ready for construction on the Red Rock Ranger District. The Lower Bones Trail is geared up and ready for construction. Below are the Dates.

Lower Bones Trail Construction Schedule
(Dead Horse Ranch Area Trails on CNF RRRD)
All Fridays - March, 15th, 22nd, 29th, April 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th

Trail work days will meet at the Lower Raptor Trailhead in Dead Horse State Park off of Roadrunner Road within the park. Entrance fees will be waived for volunteers.Volunteers need to come prepared and bring with them: a helmet if available (bike helmet will work), sun glasses, work gloves, drinking water, food, sun screen, a hat, long sleeved shirt, long pants, and wear boots with ankle support.

For more detailed information on locations and to share your interest, please call Doug Brown - (928) 202-9360

Saturday, March 9, 2013

March BOD Agenda

Any input or additions please contact us by e-mail at:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

CNF | RRRD | RTCA Planning Meeting

RTCA planning meeting tomorrow February, 28th at the Hilton in the VOC @ 6pm. Hope to see you there helping build our future trails in Sedona and the Red Rocks.