Wednesday, January 30, 2013

IMPORTANT MEETING Feb 11th 5:30pm : CNF RRRD and the MTB Community

As many have heard around town and the recent article in the paper the Coconino National Forest Red Rock Ranger District is considering a closure to cross country travel to mountain bikes. As we all know it is bad riding etiquette to ride rough shod off the trail leaving pointless tracks littering the landscape. What many of you may not know is some great trails could potentially be off limits due to the closure. We have been pushing for no loss of your favorite trails. This coming Monday, February, 11th 5:30 at the RRRD offices just outside of the VOC on HWY179 you will have a chance to hear the details of this potential closure from CNF Staff. The VVCC Board of Directors will have discussion with FS staff and after hearing the details you will have a chance to voice your concerns/ideas.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

DAY TWO: Rust Bucket Trail Day Jan. 30th 9:30am

The Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition is sponsoring a work day on the Rust Bucket Trail outside of Dead Horse State Park. Come help with trail improvements and reroutes.. Meet at 9:30 on Bill Grey Rd just off of HWY 89A next to:

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
700 North Bill Gray Road, Cottonwood, AZ

We will car pool in as the road requires a high clearance vehicle.

Volunteers need to come prepared and bring with them: a helmet if available, sun glasses, work gloves, drinking water, lunch, sun screen, a hat, long sleeved shirt, long pants, and wear boots with ankle support.

For more detailed information on locations and to share your interest, please call F. Adrian at 203-7531 or email her at

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

ADOT Public Comment Open

ADOT’s bicycle and pedestrian plan rolls out public comment period
Agency wants to hear from community members as plan enters final phase
As walking and bicycling for transportation and recreation steadily grows in popularity around our state, the Arizona Department of Transportation continues to advance its Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan to improve safety and multimodal travel options.
ADOT is working on finalizing an update to the plan, which was first established in 2003. Beginning today, everyone has the opportunity to share their thoughts on the draft final report by filling out an online comment form and providing input. The draft final report and comment form can both be found here. The web address is The public comment period runs until Feb. 8.

Monday, January 7, 2013

RTCA Documents

Are you trying to stay up to speed with the RTCA Trails Master Planning Process? We hope you are and want you to have all the info. This Google folder will be full of supporting documents, meeting notes and anything else associated with the process. If you can not find something contact us or the FS. This folder can also be found to your left under VVCC's documents column.