Sunday, December 20, 2015

2016 Trail Days

Hi All and Happy Holidays – 

We hope your New Years Resolution is to help the trails more!!! Here are dates for the Saturday trail days into March.
  • January 9th 
  • January 23rd 
  • February 6th 
  • February 20th 
  • March 5th

Schuerman Mountain TH at 8:30 am. The trail work will consist of new trail construction and general maintenance in the Carrol Canyon/Scheurman Mountain area. All trail work sessions start at 8:30 am and conclude at 1:00 pm unless otherwise noted. 

Directions: From Sedona head west on 89A (towards Cottonwood), turn left on Upper Red Rock Loop Road. Continue on Upper Red Rock Loop Road for .25 mile and take a right onto Red Rock High School Drive. The Scheurman Mountain Trailhead will be on the left. 

What to bring: 
• Sturdy closed-toe shoes 
• Long pants 
• Sunscreen, water and snacks 
• Gloves 
• Bike helmet or hard hat (if available) 

For more information please call or email: 
Forrest Saville, Trail Coordinator (928) 606-1748

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Bike Park Time!!!!!

Sedona City Engineering has approved the recently finished 100% planning documents from IMBA Trail Solutions and Stantec Engineering. The city has now opened a request for Statement Of Qualifications (SOQ) on their website for a BSP contractor. If you or anyone you know is interested in applying for the contract follow the bellow link. Huge thanks to all who participated in the BSP task force at the city and especially to Doug Copp the City Bike Cordinator/VVCC board member for keeping the ball rolling on this amazing project. 

Get STOKED!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fall Trail Work Schedule



October 24

November 7 & 21

December 5 & 19


All trail work days will start out by meeting at the Old Post Trailhead at 8:30 am. This trailhead is located at the south end of the Old Post Trail, at the Kiosk located by the paved Chavez Ranch Road. The trail work will consist of new trail construction and general maintenance in the Carrol Canyon/Scheurman Mountain area.


Directions: From Sedona  head west on 89A (towards Cottonwood), turn left on Upper Red Rock Loop Road. Continue on Upper Red Rock Loop Road for 1.8 miles and take a left onto Chavez Ranch Road. The Old Post Trailhead will be on the left.


All trail work sessions start at 8:30 am and conclude at 1:00 pm unless otherwise noted.

What you need to bring: Sturdy closed-toe shoes, long pants, sunscreen, water, snacks, and head protection are required. If you have a bike helmet or hard hat, you can bring that. Hardhats and gloves will be provided for those who do not have them. Trail tools and trail work instructions will be provided. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Please put these dates in your calendar and bring your friends and family!There is lots to do, of varying degrees of skill and effort.

For more information please give a call to or email Forrest Saville, Red Rock Ranger District Trail Coordinator.

Forrest Saville

p: 928-203-7509 
c: 928-606-1748 
f: 928-203-7539

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sedona Bike Park Update

Curios how the bike park is coming? Well good!!! We are behind the original timeline but we just received the 100% plans produced by IMBA Trail Solutions in Conjunction with Stanctec Engineering. Things are looking good!!!! We also received 500 cubic yards of dirt donated from the Marriott project which will significantly reduce costs on dirt import. Engineering has to take one final look over the plans and then we will be to sending this project out to bid for construction in the coming weeks! If you know of anyone who would like to be on the contact list for the potential construction contract get in contact with Doug Copp the Sedona City Bike Park Cordinator at:

Friday, June 26, 2015

KSB pursues National Monument Designation

Are you curious about Keep Sedona Beautiful's pursuit of getting Sedona and a good portion of the Verde Valley designated as a National Monument? So are we. A big thanks to Board Member Dan Blaetter for volunteering to sit on KSBs executive committee where the details of the movement will be discussed and developed. Dan hopes to ensure we cyclists are represented and we do not lose any access or rights.

If you are curious to find out more on the movement here is a link to a website put up by KSB for more info:

We also encourage people to look into this themselves. There are a 9 other monuments managed by the National Forest with in the US. Please share your thoughts through the comments or email us at:

Sedona Recieves SILVER BFC Designation!!!!

A big thanks to Board members Doug Copp, Dan Blaetter, Jake Plapp and Caroline Oreel and many other community and city members for making this possible!!! The VVCC hopes to see this progression of bike friendly infrastructure continue to grow. Here below is Sedona's report card alongside the average rating of a Gold community.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Bike park training

If your planning on helping out with the Sedona Bike Park there will be a training coming up in Flagstaff this Saturday the 18th for the Fort Tuthill Bike Park through Flagstaff Biking Organization. We highly recommend you attend this if you plan on helping out with construction or maintenance opportunities with the Sedona park. VVCC is supporting this training and hope you can attend. Follow the link below for full info.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tomorrow's trail day cancelled 03/11

Due to scheduling conflicts with FS and VVCC trail leaders being unavailable now for Wednesday's trail work we have to cancel. Sorry 😓

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Trail Work 2015

The Red Rock Ranger District and the Verde Valley Cyclist Coalition will be hosting volunteer trail work days starting in Feburary through April. Work days are open to anyone interested in light to heavy trail work on trails located throughout the Sedona Area. See the schedule below for dates/times and meeting locations. Volunteers should come prepared with a helmet if available, eye protection, work gloves, drinking water, sun screen, a hat, long sleeved shirt, long pants, and wear boots with ankle support. All tools provided by USFS.

For more information please call Forrest Saville at 928-203-7509 or email

It will be every other Wednesday and the 3rd Saturday of every month MEETING AT 9am.

Feb 21 – Canyon of Fools (Finish Wash) --- Meet at OK/Dawa TH

Feb 25 - Canyon of Fools (Tread Work/Rehab/Drains) --- Meet at OK/Dawa TH

Mar 11 – Hiline (Reroute) --- Meet at Baldwin TH

Mar 21 – Hiline (Armor/Paint/Brush) --- Meet at Baldwin TH

Mar 25 – Templeton (Reroute/Brushing/Drainage) --- Meet at Courthouse TH

Apr 8 – Llama (Reroute/Brushing/Drainage) --- Meet at Courthouse TH

Apr 18 – Hogs (Tread work/Armor fix/Brushing) --- Meet at Broken Arrow TH

Apr 22 - Pigtail (Armoring) --- Meet at Broke Arrow TH

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Western Civilization Trail Planing


When: January – March 2015

Goal: Develop a non-motorized trail system proposal for the area bounded by Girdner Trail, Cockscomb Trail and SR89A.
Background: The area generally west of the Girdner Trail has several miles of user created trail running through it. These trails include aka Western Civilization, Ledge n’ Aerie, and Last Frontier in addition to social trails emanating from several neighborhoods.
Trail planning public meetings held in 2013 and trail public scoping in 2014 showed a high interest and support from the public for a trail system in this area. This came from equestrians, hikers and bikers. Initial resource assessments by the USFS indicate few resource issues in the area. However, existing user created routes have long segments of trail considered unsustainable.
Development of The Aerie private subdivision will affect this area, particularly the user created route aka Western Civilization. Private development is being planned in the old “cultural park” location and will impact the connectors to other user created routes. Increasing user access from residential neighborhoods is impacting the local soils and hydrology.
There is a need for a trail system design for this area. The Forest Service Red Rock District appreciates the public demand for a sustainable trail system in this area but does not have the funding to conduct the necessary planning or design of the trail system.
The Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition has hired a facilitator, Tyson Swasey, to help kickstart a planning process for this area and to work with local trail enthusiasts to allow for collaborative trail system design. The goal is to have a trails system concept to present to the Forest Service, which they can then use for the NEPA decision process.
Scope of work will include:
·       Initial meeting with trail mangers from USFS, review of soils/hydro and other resource surveys and public comments.
·       Field reconnaissance of the area under consideration; with FS and with trail users.
·       Meeting with interested trail users and FS regarding trail management objectives Jan 12th.
·       Additional field assessments and review meetings.
·       Final maps and information turned over to USFS and partners.

The facilitator, Tyson Swasey, will convene the first meeting on January 12, 2015, 6:30PM at Vultee Room at the City Hall complex in West Sedona. At this meeting a process will be outlined and tasks assigned, as feasible, to those who would like to participate.  Tyson can be reached at: 435-260-8464.